In front of a very important competition and constantly evolving operating costs, companies try to improve their productivity and their customer service, the integration of an IT embedded solution is one of the answers to these challenges.

Whatever your need IPO Technologie has an adapted solution to your requirements.

INFORMATION: bring to its customers the information about the delivery progression in real time, inform them in case of delays, or put at their disposal a dedicated Web interface, is a real advantage which allows to develop customers’ loyalty.

WORKING CONDITIONS: for the drivers, the embedded solution allows a sensitive improvement of the working conditions (navigation assistance, the real-time information on the traffic or the meteo alerts) and a more precise management of the affectations (the hours transmitted in real time to the developer).

RETURN ON INVESTMENT: key factor of a structure productivity, the return on investment is calculated on the time saving, the reductions of processing costs, the optimization of the management, the reduction of expenses …