The sector of the transport is omnipresent in our activities whether it is to move people or goods. Even if 90 % of the transportations of goods transit by the road, do not forget the air, railroad transport, river or maritime.

IPO Technologie guides the companies of this sector by supplying them solutions adapted to their challenges:

ENVIRONMENT: the environmental protection is a constant which guides the professionals of the sector; we help you to check your installations and to analyze your data to regulate your investments and obtain an eco-responsible approach.

PERFORMANCE: we answer your requirements thanks to a products’ offer reliable, effective and long-lasting.

COST AND DEADLINE CONTROL: thanks to successful and long-lasting tools we allow you to identify and to estimate the concerned elements and propose solutions adapted.

TRACEABILITY: the traceability is an essential challenge of this sector for safety reasons, cost control and quality; we developed machines answering these requirements.